Care Homes

Residential and Nursing Homes in Tameside


The following is a list of registered care homes in Tameside who contract with the Council/Clinical Commissioning Group to provide residential or nursing care for people aged 55 years of age or older.

The list is organised by geographical location and then alphabetically by care home in each location.

It is important to find a care home that is right for you or right for the person who is going to live there. We suggest you always visit the care homes you are considering before making a final choice. You can take along Age UK's checklist of important things to ask the staff.

The NHS also offer good advice about choosing the right care home.


If you want to understand the standard of care and quality of life you or your loved one will receive at a particular home, you can ask to see the care home's inspection report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). All care homes must be registered with the CQC. They regularly inspect homes to make sure they are compliant with the ‘Fundamental Standards'.

The fees payable by the Council/NHS from the 1 April 2021 are (please note that the nursing rates are inclusive of the free nursing care contribution at the applicable rate):

Bed Type Standard Rate Enhanced Rate
Residential - Shared
Residential - Single
Residential - Challenging Behaviour *
Nursing - Shared
Nursing - Single
Nursing - Challenging Behaviour *

*Note:  means behaviours that challenge services that requires Staff to have additional training and competencies to positively manage the Service User's behaviour. Where the Service User has been formally assessed by the Council/NHS as meeting their criteria then this fee will apply.  The criteria are noted below:

Challenging Behaviour - Residential Care Criteria:

  • Someone needing 24 hour care who does not require a registered nurse 24 hours a day however requires constant staff availability
  • He/she must have a medically confirmed mental health illness/condition diagnosis
  • There must be evidence of difficult to manage behaviour, which will include:
    • Constant verbal abuse or noise nuisance
    • Serious difficulties in managing incontinence
    • Physical aggression
    • Absconding - constant purposeful attempts to leave the building
    • Inappropriate sexual behaviour
    • Destruction of property
    • Difficult personalities which demand constant staff time and intolerance of other people
    • Behaviour that causes conflict with other residents and staff
  • There must be evidence of previous attempts to address the causes of difficult to manage behaviours
  • He/she will require an assessment from a registered Mental Health practitioner that recommends this type of provision

Challenging Behaviour - Nursing Care Criteria:

  • Someone whose primary need is for accommodation "social" care and personal care, and needs constant availability of a specialist registered nurse
  • He/she will require constant monitoring by a trained general/ mental health nurse and may require overview from a mental health team
  • He/she must have a medically confirmed mental health illness/condition diagnosis
  • Admission to a nursing home that can manage a person whose behaviours challenge services must be on recommendation of a registered Mental Health practitioner
  • Assessed needs must show:
    • Challenging behaviour
    • Risk to self or others and
    • a management plan beyond that of general nursing care
  • There must be evidence of difficult to manage behaviour, which will include:
    • Constant verbal abuse or noise nuisance
    • Serious difficulties in managing incontinence
    • Physical aggression
    • Absconding  - constant purposeful attempts to leave the building
    • Inappropriate sexual behaviour
    • Destruction of property
    • Difficult personalities, which demand constant staff time and intolerance of other people
    • Behaviour that causes conflict with other residents and staff
  • There must be evidence of previous attempts to address the causes of difficult to manage behaviours
  • Recurrent frequent intervention and re-assessment by a registered general/mental health nurse throughout a 24-hour period
  • Assessment encompasses guidance on  NHS Funded care/FACS

Where Providers have demonstrated they meet identified standards (see below) they are eligible for Enhanced Payments:


The Council/NHS operates an Enhanced Payment Scheme.  In order to qualify for the Enhanced Rate the care home provider needs to demonstrate they meet certain criteria (over and above the core contract requirements), i.e.

  • The care home works proactively with the wider community and has organised three or more events over the last twelve months;
  • 70% of residents have ‘life stories' completed within two  months of admission;
  • 85% of Staff are QCF qualified to level 2 (two) and/or are registered on a QCF level 2 (two) course (excluding modern apprentices;
  • The registered manager is qualified to NVQ level 4 (or equivalent);
  • The home has completed the ‘Gold Standard Framework' or the ‘Six Steps to Success Programme for Care Homes' for end of life care;
  • The Provider will have an overall Care Quality Commission rating of ‘Good' or ‘Outstanding';
  • The Provider attends 75% of the Commissioner organised Provider Forum meetings
  • 80% of the monthly monitoring forms are returned (fully completed).

The above is checked on an annual basis.


Care homes will only be able to charge top-ups for environmental factors, e.g. en-suite, large rooms, etc. that have been chosen by the person who wishes to reside at the home.  If a care home does charge more than the agreed Council rates (as detailed above) a Third Party Contract (or in certain circumstances a First Party Agreement) will be needed.  This Third Party Contract is a legally binding contract between the Council, the care home and whoever signs the Third Party/First Party Contract to pay an additional amount (a top-up) every week towards the cost of the placement.

Prior to signing a Third Party/First Party Contract you will need to give the Council an assurance that you have the financial means to continue to pay the top-up for the duration of the placement (however long that may be).  Please note that failure to keep up any top-up payments may require the resident to be moved to another placement that accepts the Council's/NHS's standard rate.

Tameside Care Homes

Please click on the link to view Care Homes in Tameside

Tameside Care Homes