Tameside Adult Services

The Care Act

The Care Act image logo

What is the Care Act?

From April 2015, care and support in England is changing. The Care Act will help to make care and support more consistent across the country.

What is care and support?

Care and Support is the term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It may include help with things like getting out of bed, washing, dressing, getting to work, cooking meals, eating, seeing friends, caring for families and being part of the community.

It might also include emotional support at a time of difficulty and stress, helping people who are caring for an adult family member or friend or even giving others a lift to a social event.

Care and support includes the help given by family and friends, as well as any provided by the Council or other organisations.

Many of us will need care and support at some point in our lives and most people will pay at least something towards the cost of their care. The new national changes are designed to help you plan for the future and put you more in control of the help you receive. Any decisions about your care and support will consider your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family, so you can stay healthy and remain independent for longer.
Introduction to The Care Act

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria image logo

From April 2015, there will be a national level of eligibility for care and support needs.

The threshold is based on identifying how a person's needs affect their ability to achieve relevant outcomes and how this impacts on their wellbeing.

In considering whether an adult with care and support needs has eligible needs the Council must consider whether:

The adult's needs arise from or are related to a physical or mental impairment or illness and;

As a result of the adult's needs, the adult is unable to achieve two or more of the      
specified outcomes listed below and;

As a consequence of being unable to achieve these outcomes there is or there is
likely to be, a significant impact on the adult's wellbeing.


a) managing and maintaining nutrition;
b) maintaining personal hygiene;
c) managing toilet needs;
d) being appropriately clothed;
e) maintaining a habitable home environment;
f) being able to make use of the home safely;
g) developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships;
h) accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering;
i) making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public
   transport and recreational facilities or services;
j) carrying out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child.

If we assess that you meet the level of needs, you may be eligible for care and support.
National Eligibility Criteria Regulations 2014

The Assessment Process

The assessment process is one of the most important elements of the care and support system. If you think you may need care and support, we will assess your needs.

At the start of the assessment process, if the Council considers that a person has substantial difficulty in engaging with the process then the Council will consider whether there is anyone appropriate who can support the person to be fully involved. This might be a family member, friend or carer (who is not professionally engaged or remunerated) If there is no one appropriate, then the Council must arrange for an independent advocate.

We will discuss with you what you can do for yourself, what support you need, your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family.

The process will be person-centred throughout and will support you to have choice and control over your care and support.

Together, we will:-

  • Understand your situation better;
  • Work out what options there are for managing or making your situation better;
  • Work out what you want to be able to do & how much support you think you'll need;
  • Understand what the risks are if you don't have any support;
  • Make decisions about what happens next.

We will look at how you manage everyday living tasks (such as washing, going to the toilet, cooking, cleaning), your freedom to make choices, your safety and how much involvement you have with your family and community.

The process begins with an assessment of your needs and a decision about whether your needs are eligible including a financial assessment where necessary. This will determine whether you need to pay for your own care.

After the assessment process is finished, the decision can then be made about whether you are entitled to care and support arranged by the Council and how much you will be required to pay for that care.

The information you give is confidential and we will only share it with those people who need to know about your situation to help you. We will always ask your permission before sharing that information.
Assessment process

Support Planning

What is a Support Plan?

If because of your Assessment, we are going to arrange services, we will discuss this with you and then write down the arrangements in a Support Plan.

Your Support Plan will describe:

  • Who is responsible for providing services
  • What they have agreed to do
  • When they will do it
  • Who is responsible for making sure things are going to plan
  • The names of key people and how to contact them
  • Services will not always be provided direct from Adult Services, sometimes we arrange for private or voluntary agencies to provide services on our behalf.

We will give you a copy of your Support Plan in the language or format of your choice.

As part of the planning process, the Council will talk to you about a personal budget. This is the amount of money that the Council has worked out it will cost to arrange the necessary care and support.

This includes any amount that the Council is going to pay itself towards those costs (which may range from all, to none of the total). The personal budget helps the adult to decide how much control they want to have over arranging their own care and support by seeing how much money is available to buy the care they need.

How will we check whether your Support Plan is still meeting your needs?

Your Support Plan will be reviewed regularly. However, if you feel your Support Plan is not working you may ask for a review at any time. We want to know whether:

  • You are happy with the services we have arranged and if not how we can improve the situation.
  • You are managing at home with the services provided.
  • Your circumstances have changed and you need a reassessment to look at different services.
  • As a result of a review, we may either increase or reduce services if there are any changes in your circumstances.

If you or the person you are caring for has complex health care needs we may also recommend that you have input from other services such as community nurses, occupational therapists, behavioural therapist and physiotherapists.

Will you have to pay?

Possibly. Charges for services are based on your ability to pay and will vary. Staff will carry out a Financial Assessment and you will be asked to provide details of your income and savings.

Even if you pay for your own care, or are "self funding", you are still entitled to help, information and advice from us.

Help and support with Direct Payments is available, please talk with your Social Worker or Assessor.
Support Planning

Direct Payments

Once your support plan and personal budget has been agreed with you, you will be offered the opportunity to take the budget as a cash payment known as a Direct Payment. This is a sum of money paid direct to you either as a one off payment or regular payment that has been identified as sufficient to buy the help and support required to meet your assessed needs and outcomes

You can choose to spend your Direct Payments as you like, however, there are some rules and conditions that you will be expected to follow which will be explained to you when you are considering your options

You may not want to consider taking a Direct Payment at the start of your support being planned and delivered, however, you can decide at any time to take a Direct Payment for some or all of your assessed personal budget

People who decide to take a Direct Payment can choose to employ their own care worker(s) known as Personal Assistants (PA) or contract with a care agency

Some people may not be able to take the responsibility of managing their own personal budget and if you would require on-going support there are ways that this can be arranged. This will be explained to you by your Social Worker or Assessor if you are considering a Direct Payment
Financial Advice

Local Account

Local Account  image logo
The Local Account is designed to help residents and service users to understand how Adult Services are delivered in your area. The Local Account is our opportunity to tell you about our achievements and highlights for the previous year.
Local Account

Market Position Statement

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The Market Position Statement is aimed at existing and potential providers of adult social care and support. It represents the continued dialogue between the Council, people who use services, carers, providers and others about the vision for the future of local social care markets.
Market Position Statement


Complaints image logo
Tameside Adult Services is committed to providing a quality service. We need to hear from you if you have any complaints, suggestions or compliments about the service you receive.

We use this valuable information to help us improve the services we provide for you.  We take all complaints seriously and deal with them as quickly as possible.

Who can make a complaint, suggestion or compliment?

Anyone who receives a service from Adult Services can make a complaint, suggestion or compliment about that service. Also, anyone who has been refused services can complain about that refusal. Your carer, friend or relative can make a complaint, suggestion or compliment on your behalf.

What might you want to complain about?

You can complain about any part of the service you are unhappy about. This may include the quality or the level of service you receive. The complaint must be made within 12 months of the event you are complaining about.

What will happen when you complain?

The Council is obliged to have a formal complaints process in place and this is a two stage process. In the first instance your concerns will be considered by the Head of Service with responsibility for the service you are dissatisfied with, for a response within 20 working days.

What if you are not happy with the response to your complaint?

If you remain dissatisfied by the response you receive from the Head of Service, or it is not dealt with by the date we have committed to, you may EITHER escalate the matter to stage 2 by complaining in writing to the Assistant Director with responsibility for the service you are unhappy with, OR exercise your right at this point to take your complaint direct to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman who is independent of the Council and investigates complaints of maladministration. For advice on making a complaint, or to make a complaint over the telephone, please call the LGO Advice Team on 0300 061 0614, Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm. You can obtain more information about the Local Government Ombudsman and the complaints process from their website Local Government Ombudsman.

If you do decide the escalate the matter to stage 2 are we are unable to resolve matters to your satisfaction and you remain dissatisfied by the Council's final response, you will still have the right to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman.

If the complaint is about an agency that are providing your care, we will send details of your complaint to the agency and ask them to respond to you in line with their complaints procedure. Once the agency has dealt with your complaint If you are unhappy with the outcome, you can ask the Council to consider your complaint OR you have the right to take your complaint direct to the Local Government Ombudsman.

If you wish to contact the Complaints Team, please telephone 0161 342 3535
or via email to socialcarecomplaints@tameside.gov.uk
How to make a complaint or compliment via the on-line complaints system.

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding Adults image logo
Adults may be harmed or taken advantage of by those in a position of power over them. Every adult has a right to:

  • A life free of fear
  • Be treated with dignity
  • Have their choices respected and not be forced to do anything against their will

Who may be at risk of abuse?

Many adults over the age of 18 rely on other people to help them in their day to day living. This may be due to illness, disability or frailty. They may be at risk from people they know such as a relative, friend, neighbour or paid carer, or, less frequently, by a stranger.

Abuse may occur anywhere including in their own home, in care homes or in day care centres or hospitals

What do we mean by abuse?

Abuse can take many forms such as:

  • Hitting, slapping or pushing
  • Shouting or swearing which makes the person afraid
  • Unwanted touching, kissing or sexual intercourse
  • Money or property taken without consent or under pressure
  • Not being cared for properly or denied privacy, choice or social contact

Who can Abuse?

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbours
  • Informal Carers
  • Paid Carers
  • Strangers

Anyone who has power over a vulnerable adult person at a particular point in time

What can you do if you suspect abuse?

If you know of a worrying situation, please do not ignore it. You can contact the Safeguarding Adults Team on any of the numbers below to report your concerns or for more information. You do not have to give your name and any information you give to us will be treated confidentially. We will always respect the wishes and feelings of the adult at risk.

Who to contact

You can contact Adult Services to report abuse and for further advice.

Adult Services
Integrated Urgent Care Team
Crickets Lane Health Centre
Crickets Lane
OL6 6NG.

Contact the Safeguarding Adults Team on 0161 342 2400
Adult Abuse

Inspection of Adult Services

Inspection of Adult Services image logo

Who inspects social care, private and voluntary health care services in Tameside?

The Care Quality Commission are responsible for inspections. Their main activities are:-

  • Registration of health and social care providers to ensure they are meeting essential common quality standards
  • Monitoring and inspection of all health and adult social care
  • Using enforcement powers, such as fines and public warnings or closures, if standards are not being met
  • Improving health and social care services by undertaking regular reviews of how well those who arrange and provide services locally are performing and special reviews of particular care services, pathways of care or themes where there are particular concerns about quality
  • Reporting the outcomes of their work so that people who use services have information about the quality of their local health and adult social care services. It helps those who arrange and provide services to see where improvement is needed and learn from each other about what works best
  • Where you can have a look at inspection reports
  • The Commission publishes inspection reports on the above services.
The Care Quality Commission

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness image logo
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust provides mental health services to people living in Tameside

Mental Health Services include:

  • Working-age adult inpatient and community services including crisis resolution and home treatment, older people's inpatient and community services
  • Community-based drug and alcohol services
  • Community-based child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
  • Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
  • Some low secure care intensive rehabilitation service

Access to the Mental Health Service is provided by the Access Team who can be contacted on 0161 716 4247 -they deal with non-urgent GP referrals and single point of access into the mental health service.

Through the hospital the Liaison Mental Health team who cover urgent GP referrals and A&E mental health assessments
Mental Health Services


Healthwatch England is the national consumer champion in health and care. They have significant statutory powers to ensure the voice of the consumer is strengthened and heard by those who commission, deliver and regulate health and care services

Local Healthwatch across England provide unique insight into people's experience of health and social care issues across the country, they are the eyes and ears on the ground and gather what matters in the local community
Healthwatch Tameside

Independent Advocacy

Advocacy seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are most vulnerable in society are able to have their voices head on issues that are are important to them and have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives

At the start of the assessment process, if the Council considers that a person has substantial difficulty in engaging with the process then the Council will consider whether there is anyone appropriate who can support the person to be fully involved. This might be a family member, friend or carer (who is not professionally engaged or remunerated) If there is no one appropriate, then the Council must arrange for an independent advocate.
Independent Advocacy

Useful Contacts

Please see below for a list of useful contacts.

People First
are a user led charity for people with learning disabilities -support people to speak up and make changes in their lives and offer a range of social activities and services.

Tameside Oldham & Glossop Mind
is a registered charity providing helpful services that promote well-being and the improvement of the mental health client. They provide a wide range of services and activities that promote psychological and physical well-being.

Mencap Tameside
works in partnership with people with a learning disability and support people to live life as they choose and offer a range of leisure and support services.

Tameside Sight
provides a service which enables visually impaired people to develop as individuals and feel valued within the community. It provides support to several clubs throughout Tameside as well as practical support. Tameside Sight aims to work in partnership with other agencies in the area including hospitals, GP's, Council services and other voluntary groups.

Local Groups and Organisations
-a website full of information on clubs and activities.

British Deaf Association
is a member-led organisation whose work is focused on achieving equality for Deaf people through community empowerment, membership and campaigning.  Working with local Deaf and BSL Communities is crucial to the success of BDA campaigns and creates opportunities for Deaf people to develop, participate and contribute in wider society.

Royal National Institute for the Deaf
are experts in providing support for people with hearing loss and tinnitus. They provide day-to-day care for people who are deaf and have additional needs, supply communication services and training, offer practical advice to help people protect their hearing.

Action for Blind
is a national charity providing practical help and support to blind and partially sighted people of all ages.

Listening Books
is a charity providing a selection of high quality audio-books to over 38,000 people across the UK who find it difficult to read due to illness or disability.

Royal National Institute for the Blind
raise awareness of sight problems and how to prevent sight loss and campaign for better services and a more inclusive society.

Age UK Tameside
provide information and advice and offer a wide range of services.
Look at What Support is Available

Integrated Urgent Care Team

What is the Integrated Urgent Care Team?

The Integrated Urgent Care Team aims to prevent emergency admissions to hospital and residential care as well as providing enhanced community services in order to safely support people at home. The team offers a wide variety of personalised support and assisting those with complex situations to ensure they have the maximum level of choice and control available to them. In some circumstances it will be necessary to ensure safe and effective support to protect individuals from harm or safeguard people's human and civil rights.

Following assessment, the team will instigate a support plan for up to 6 weeks, in order to manage individuals in their own home/usual place of residence.

The team comprises of nurses, physiotherapists, social workers/assessors, occupational therapists and reablement support workers who will work proactively to make a single joint health and social care assessment, responding rapidly, where necessary within the hour, supporting primary care and community services to prevent deterioration and avert crisis.
Return to General Information Page

Special Education Needs Offer (SEND)

The Local Offer webpage signposts people to services and support available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.  Our local offer should be the first port of call for young people and their families who may need some extra help because of additional needs – these could be emotional, physical, behavioural and/or medical and anything from difficulties learning to read to a profound disability.  
The Local Offer aims to signpost to services and support for everyone aged 0-25 years who has special educational needs and disabilities and inform them of exactly what they are entitled to while also helping families and professionals make informed decisions. As well as linking to individual schools and colleges, it covers other services and support such as SENDIASS (Tameside Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service), voluntary organisations and local activities.
The Local Offer continues to support young people when they leave school up until the age of 25.
Parents and carers are encouraged to seek advice as soon as they identify any concerns so that children and young people can receive all the support they may need from the earliest opportunity.

Special Education Needs Offer