Living Well at Home

Living Well at Home

Living Well at Home image logo
If you are finding it difficult to manage at home, family and friends may be able to help. Alternatively you may want to consider using the services of a living well at home care provider - what used to be called homecare - who employ staff to provide help and support in your own home. They can assist with personal care such as bathing, washing and dressing as well as other aspects of daily living. They will be trained in personal care and safety procedures, moving and handling and hygiene and some providers employ registered nurses.

All living well at home providers are registered with the Care Quality Commissions (CQC) who inspects them against the national essential standards of quality and safety. 
Living Well at Home - additional information

Equipment to Help Remain Independent at Home

If you find that you're having difficulty with everyday tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking, or with moving round your home, there may be specialist equipment and minor adaptations available which will allow you to do these things safely and independently.
A range of simple equipment is also available from both specialist shops and websites and non-specialist retailers. Some of the links below may be useful to find suggestions that could assist you.
Sometimes it may be necessary to make some significant changes to your property, to make it easier for you to move about and use your home safely and independently. You may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant for these alterations.
If you're the carer for someone with physical health problems, then having the right equipment in place can make your work both easier and safer.
Before you buy or loan any equipment it's worth getting independent advice. This will make sure the type of equipment you're getting meets your needs. The websites below may be helpful.

Equipment we loan

Support from Tameside Council and Tameside and Glossop CCG

You may be eligible for the loan of equipment from the services provided by Tameside Council and Tameside and Glossop CCG. A range of professionals in the local health and social care system are able to assess your needs and arrange for equipment to be delivered to your home. This may be for a long term ongoing need or for a short term need, for example following an operation.
The council provides health and social care advice and can provide equipment to help manage everyday living tasks, such as washing, dressing and meal preparation, depending on the level of difficulty and risk you're experiencing.
To be eligible for equipment provided for a social care need funded by the Council you will need to have an assessment and will need to meet eligibility criteria. To enquire about assessments, contact the council.

Any equipment provided for eligible social care needs by the Council is free of charge if it costs £1000 or less. All equipment provided for a health need is free of charge. Any equipment we provide is free of charge for as long as you need it.

The Integrated Service for Children with Additional Needs (ISCAN)

ISCAN are an Integrated Service comprising of Health and Social Care staff who offer treatment and support to young people with an additional need and / or complex health need. The service is for children or young people aged between 0 and 19. The child or young person must have a G.P. within the Tameside and Glossop area.
Full details of the service can be found from the above link including information on assessment for equipment for children and young people.

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES)

Equipment is either brought to you by the person doing an assessment or delivered by our community equipment provider Rosscare.

Rosscare also provide maintenance and repair service for equipment they have supplied including an out of hours service for things like hoists and pressure care mattresses with pump. Any equipment they provide will have a label on with their name and telephone number.

If you have equipment we have supplied that you no longer require you can ring Rosscare to arrange a collection or you can take it to their depot in Dukinfield. All returned equipment goes through a thorough cleaning and decontamination process before being reissued.

For enquiries regarding collection of equipment, maintenance and repair contact -

Rosscare, Unit 3 Tameside Court
Fifth Avenue
SK16 4PW
Tel: 0161 344 0482

Useful links

NHS Choices

NHS Choices provides a guide to care equipment, aids and adaptations.


AskSARA is an award-winning online advice tool from the Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) that gives people suggestions for equipment which may be able to help them. Simply choose from a list of topics, answer a few questions, then receive a personalised report with impartial advice and relevant product suggestions.

Disabled Living

Disabled Living is a Salford based charity which provides impartial information and advice about products, equipment (assistive technology) and services for disabled adults, children, older people, carers and the professionals who support them
At their purpose designed ‘Centre of Excellence for Assistive Technology' in Salford, Manchester, they offer free equipment assessments by their occupational therapy team and have equipment available for demonstrations and will also do 1:1 appointments with families.

Disabled Living Foundation

The Disabled Living Foundation can advise you on equipment. If you would like to speak to them, call their helpline on 0300 999 0004.

Disabled Living Foundation have equipment factsheets, online catalogues and impartial advice available from their website
Fact sheets

The DLF also offer clear, practical advice on their Living made Easy website

Money Advice Service

The Money Advice Service has guidance about shopping for disability aids and equipment. This includes how and where to shop around for the most suitable product at the cheapest price.

RiDC Research Institute for Disabled Customers

The Research Institute for Disabled Customers is an independent national charity founded by the Consumer Association (now known as Which?)
They provide consumer information and user reviews to help disabled and older people choose the right products and services to lead an independent life.

Age UK

MS Society

Red Cross

Red Cross offer short-term loans of some kinds of equipment

Disability Grants Website

A website for parents and carers of children or adults with a disability to search for grants available for equipment, holidays, days out etc.

Carers UK

Carers UK are a national membership charity for carers, Carers UK is both a support network and a movement for change. Their website includes a section on equipment to help with caring

Buying equipment online

There are many websites which sell equipment online. We cannot recommend individual websites, but there are links to some retailers below. We cannot guarantee the content or links in any way. No items have been tested, and all information is provided without legal responsibility.

Return to What Support is Available

Tameside Community Response Service

Tameside Community Response Service image logo

What is the Community Response Service?

It is an alarm service to help people live safely and independently in their own home. We employ a team of local workers who will respond in case of emergency. We provide different types of alarms depending on your needs and health. Some are activated by you, others are triggered by sensors installed in your home

Who is the Community Response Service for?

This service is for anyone living in Tameside either in private, rented or
owner – occupied accommodation.It is available to anyone over 18 regardless of their personal circumstances.

Why have an alarm from the Community Response Service?

Because the Community Response Service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will respond whenever an alarm is triggered.

When an alarm is activated, we take action. We can have a worker with you within 20 minutes. Our alarms provide reassurance to you, your family and your friends that we will respond if you fall or have an accident in or around your home, or

  • if you need help during the night
  • if you suffer a medical emergency
  • if you fear harassment or anti-social behaviour
  • if you have a bogus caller

How does it work and what response will I receive?

Some alarms you activate yourself, new Telecare alarms rely on sensors to automatically alert our control room. Some alarms are worn on the wrist or around the neck; others are fixed. The Bogus Caller alarm will be fitted near the front door. Other alarms are fitted where they are best able to detect gas, smoke, water etc

If your alarm is activated, the Community Response Service will always respond and take appropriate action to keep you safe; speaking with you, sending a worker, calling the emergency services or contacting someone else on your behalf if you prefer it.

What if I need extra support sometimes?

Community Response Plus is an enhanced service to cover times when a relative is away on holiday or you have been discharged from hospital and you need extra support for a short time. Depending on your requirements, a worker will keep in regular contact with you to check you have the support you need.

When you sign up for Community Response, we note any information that will help us look after you. This may be details of any health issues, your GP and your preferred contacts in case of emergency, perhaps a friend, relative or neighbour. Any information you give us is kept strictly confidential.

What equipment do you need?

The Community Response Service supplies and fits all the equipment needed.

How much does it cost?

This includes the loan of the alarms, 24 hour monitoring and any response made by Community Response workers. Charges can be paid weekly, monthly or annually.

Prices for 2021 are as follows:

  • Weekly Payment Scheme = £6.81
  • Annual Payment Scheme = £354.12
 (a bill for the year will be sent to your address)

You can pay your bill on-line. Please note you will need to select "General Debtors" as the Type of Payment" and use your customer billing number (which you will find on your bill) for the "Account Reference Number".

Telecare Sensors

Telecare is the name given to a new range of alarms that rely on sensors to automatically alert us to changes in your home.

In addition to the traditional pendant alarm worn around the neck and the Bogus Caller button that you activate yourself, Telecare devices use sensors to detect if someone has:-

  • Slumped out of a chair or fallen
  • Taps have been left on and there is water on the floor  
  • The temperature is too high or too low
  • There is smoke or carbon monoxide
  • Opened a door at an inappropriate time
  • Had an epileptic seizure

Telecare devices can be used to switch on lights when you get out of bed or raise the alarm if you've been out of bed for too long. Sensors are placed in strategic places around the home and are individually programmed to trigger an alarm in our control room, via the Carephone, if things are not as they should be.

Community Response will take whatever action is necessary to ensure you are safe. This may be talking with you through the Carephone checking that everything is OK, sending a worker to your home to help you or by calling the Police, Ambulance or Fire Service.

Telecare alarms can be adapted for deaf and hard of hearing users.

I'm Interested -What Happens Next?

Telephone us for an informal chat or email us and we will tell you more about the service and charges.You can also complete the on-line form or we can post a form to you.

 We'll need to arrange a time to visit you and to install the equipment.

All Tameside MBC and Local Policies and Procedures relating to the Community Response Service and your support are available to view at the Community Response Service offices.

To contact the Community Response Service telephone 0161 342 5100 alternatively send us message
Dukinfield Town Hall
King Street
SK16 4LA
Return to What Support is Available

Everyday Life at Home

Everyday Life at Home image logo
Most people want to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. You might get help from your family and friends with certain tasks such as shopping or cleaning but with the right equipment you may be able to do more for yourself that you thought.

There are lots of different pieces of equipment that can make big differences to your life. Simply raising your armchair onto special riser blocks means that you will be able to get up out of your chair easier. A helping hand grabber will enable you to pick things up without bending down. If you have difficulties plugging things in or out or opening jars there are pieces of equipment that can help you.

If you have hearing difficulties then flashing lights can be added to your doorbell or smoke alarm and amplifiers can be added to your telephone and television.

In the kitchen again there are pieces of equipment designed to make your life easier such as electric can openers, kettle tippers, easy grip peelers and graters.

Help and advice is available to ensure you are directed to the best pieces of equipment to meet your needs and where you can get them from.
You may need an Assessment if you are eligible for care and support.

Click I Need Help to tell us what your needs are, alternatively you can purchase equipment from independent local retailers e.g.  Argos, Boots, Disabled Living or Rosscare
Return to What Support is Available

Age UK

Age UK image logo

Age UK Can help with things such as:

  • Community Care, NHS Care, disability and ageing; paying for care in a care home; disability equipment; home help and Local Authority charges; hospital discharge arrangements

  • Consumer issues

  • Help with heating; television licence concessions; making a will; legal matters; arranging a funeral; crime prevention

  • Health

  •  Dental care; community health services; help with continence

  • Housing

  • Financial help with repairs and adaptations; raising income or capital from your home.

  • Income and Benefits

  • A guide to money benefits; Attendance Allowance; Disability Living Allowance

  • Leisure, learning and work

  • Travel for older people; leisure and learning; holidays for older people
Age UK Tameside

Continence Support

Anyone with continence problems should seek medical advice as there is treatment available to control the symptoms. Talk to your GP or look for medical help, information and advice from the Continence Service.

There are several products available to help you manage your continence, such as pads, male and female urine bottles and waterproof mattresses. You can purchase these in local care shops but you may be able to get them without charge if you have been diagnosed with continence by your GP.

For further information and advice contact:

Tameside & Glossop Continence Service
Union Street Clinic
Union Street
SK14 1NX
Telephone: 0161 366 2268
Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm
Adult Continence -Tameside & Glossop Service